
Bluntly painted with the objective clear and concise, "Recovery" is a piece depicting of the physical motions and mental state involved in moving towards the recovery of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or more specifically, the event(s) that caused the disorder. There are a countless number of reasons an individual may suffer from PTSD, with all of them being just as significant as the subject of this particular painting. In "Recovery", sexual abuse and/or assault is implied by the blood pooling at the legs of the body in the water, shown candidly by the artist with the intention of reproducing the force with which the abuse took place. There is a noticeably disfigured body displayed prominently, suggesting that parts of one's self can be lost in translation as a person regains the strength to move forward and leave a destructive environment behind. This piece is meant to bring solace to a victim or survivor, as well the confidence that they are not alone in their pain or recovery.

12"x 24", Acrylic on Canvas

12"x 24", Acrylic on Canvas